The ascended masters are our elder brothers and sisters, in a spiritual sense. Most walked the earth in past or recent ages. Through good works and devotion to God, they balanced their karma, fulfilled their spiritual mission, earned their ascension and no longer have to reincarnate.
  The ascended masters listed below invite us to their retreats to learn what they have mastered.

EL MORYA, Temple of Good Will in Darjeeling India

EL MORYA, Retreat in Yosemite Valley

PAUL THE VENETIAN, Chateau de la Liberte in Southern France

JESUS and LADY MASTER NADA, Arabian Retreat in the Arabian Desert

LADY MASTER NADA, Rose Temple over New Bedford, Massachusetts

SERAPIS BEY, Ascension Temple in Luxor, Egypt

SAINT GERMAIN, Cave of Symbols in Wyoming

Temple of the Maltese Cross in Romania

LORD LANTO and the LORDS OF KARMA, Royal Teton Retreat at the Grand Teton, Wyoming

HILARION and PALLAS ATHENA, Temple of Truth over Crete

SURYA and CUZCO, Sacred Retreat of the Blue Flame in Fiji

KUTHUMI, the Cathedral of Nature in Kashmir

KUTHUMI, Shigatse Retreat over Tibet

LANELLO, Retreat on the Rhine

GREAT DIVINE DIRECTOR, Cave of Light in the Himalayas

ERIEL, Retreat in Arizona

JOHN THE BELOVED, Retreat over the Arizona Desert

MASTER OF PARIS, Retreat in Paris, France

DWAL KUL, Retreat in Tibet

JESUS and MARY, Resurrection Temple in the Holy Land

CHANANDA, Palace of Light in the Himalayas

MAITREYA, Retreat in the Himalayas

MAITREYA, Retreat over Tientsin, China

KUAN YIN, Temple of Mercy over Bei Jing, China

HIMALAYA, Retreat of the Blue Lotus in the Himalayas

GODDESS OF LIGHT, Shrine of Glory in the Andes

GODDESS OF PURITY, Retreat over Madagascar

GODDESS OF PURITY, Retreat over San Francisco

QUEEN OF LIGHT, Retreat over Sicily

GODDESS OF LIBERTY, Temple of the Sun, New York City

META, Healing Retreat over New England

PORTIA, Retreat over Ghana

SANAT KUMARA and GAUTAMA BUDDHA, Shamballa over the Gobi Desert

GAUTAMA BUDDHA, Western Shamballa in Montana

TABOR, Retreat in the Rocky Mountains

MAHA CHOHAN, Temple of Comfort over Sri Lanka

GOD AND GODDESS MERU, Temple of Illumination at Lake Titicaca

VAIVASVATA MANU, Retreat in the Himalayas

LADY MASTER VENUS, Retreat of the Divine Mother in Montana


CHA ARA, Persian Retreat

OROMASIS AND DIANA, Retreat of the Fiery Salamanders


Painting Burning of Darkness by Nicholas Roerich, Nicholas Roerich Museum, New York


For more information on the masters and their retreats
and on soul travel during sleep, please visit the
Teachings of the Ascended Masters and The Summit Lighthouse