Buddha Maitreya has an etheric retreat of in the Himalayas, where
he invites students to come on wings of harmony to receive higher
initiations. In a large chapel of white marble, the flame of purity
blazes and a large figure of Kuan Yin rests upon the altar, attended
by “cosmic monks.” Students who come to Maitreya's retreat
receive ancient mystery school training through the illumination of
the Christ and the strength of the Word for the mastery of the sacred
fire. They may be given the initiations of the Buddha and are expected
to express loving kindness in their interactions with one another.
Call to attend Lord Maitreya’s Retreat
in the Himalayas
the name of the Christ, My Own Real Self, I call to the Heart of my
Mighty I AM Presence, to the Angel of the Presence, to Beloved Archangel
Michael, Kuan Yin and the Maha Chohan, to take me to the etheric retreat
of Beloved Lord Maitreya in the Himalayas, according to the will of
my Holy Christ Self and the direction of the Maha Chohan. I ask to
be taught how to express loving kindness and to master the sacred
fire in preparation for future initiations.
Maitreya, help me to remember upon awakening all that will help me
to fulfill my mission on earth nd the mission of my twin flame. I
accept this call manifested through the power of the Christ and am
thankful for its realization. In the name of the Father, the Son,
the Holy Spirit and the Divine Mother, Amen.