While all of the hosts of heaven and ascended masters are concerned with matters pertaining to families, children and youth, some retreats specifically minister to these ones.

     The Retreat of Archangel Raphael and Mother Mary helps parents to meditate on the perfect Christic form for children in the womb.

    The Retreat of Meta helps anchor the crystal matrix for each child on earth.

    The Retreat of Lord Tabor helps to defend the Christ consciousness of young people.

    The Retreat of the Queen of Light helps to free the children of the world.

    The Retreat of the God and Goddess Meru helps parents and educators to better train young people.

    The Retreat of Eriel ministers to children who have suddenly passed on.

    The Rocky Mountain Retreat for Teenagers helps rehabilitate teenagers who have died violent or drug related deaths.

The image above is the Madonna of the Chair by Raphael. Maria Montessori, now ascended,
wanted every classroom to have this focus of Mother Mary, Jesus and John the Baptist.

For more information on the masters and their retreats
and on soul travel during sleep, please visit the
Teachings of the Ascended Masters and The Summit Lighthouse