Ye are gods, and all of you are children of the most high.
—Psalm 82:6
mystical writings of all of the world's major religions and the ascended
masters teach that we are God in manifestation and that the kingdom
of God is within. Just as the rays and aspects of God are anchored
through the etheric retreats, so are they anchored in our body temple.
The Jewish Kabbalists call this divine blueprint the body of Adam
Kadmon, through which the light of the sefirot emanates.
Above us is our Mighty I AM Presence and causal
body, which the Buddhists identify as the Dharmakaya and the theosophists
identify as the buddhic vehicle. In our causal body is stored our
good karma from all previous lifetimes, in spheres of color that correspond
to the different aspects of God. This is the "treasure stored
in heaven" that Jesus spoke of, under the adjudication of our
Mighty I AM Presence. Those who are one with their Mighty I AM Presence
in the outer world have achieved Buddhic consciousness.
men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus,
which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner
as ye have seen him go into heaven.
next level of divinity more accessible to us is our Christ consciousness.
Christos in Greek means "anointed," or "the anointed
one." This level of divinity has been identified in many ways—as
our Holy Christ Self, higher self or guardian angel; as the Son of
God, the Hope of Glory, Kabbalah's Tiferet, the buddhist Sambokhaya,
the hindu Krishna, and Theosophy's higher mental body. The Prophet
Jeremiah described it as the "Lord our Righteousness," the
still, small voice tutoring our soul and helping us to distinguish
between good and evil. Jesus, who was one with his Christ Self, personally
demonstrated the role of the mediator between God the Father, the
Mighty I AM Presence and the human consciousness. He told us that
we are all destined to follow in his footsteps and become Christed
Sons and Daughters of God. This is what the Apostle John referred
to when he said,
Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon
us, that we should become the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth
us not, because it knew him not. Beloved, now are we the sons of God
and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that when
he shall appear we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.
— 1 John 3:1
level of divinity closest to us resides within our heart, and specifically
within the secret chamber of the heart, where God has placed his spark
of life, the threefold flame of love, wisdom and power. Many mystics
have entered this place that Saint Teresa of Avila called "The
Interior Castle." Here, God manifests as above so below.
Yield yourselves unto God, as those that are alive from
the dead,
and your members as instruments of righteousness unto God.
—Romans 6:13
The energy of God released to us each day
from our Mighty I AM Presence enters our heart. From here, it flows
through our seven chakras, or energy centers, and then on to 144 points
of light on the body used in acupuncture. Each chakra anchors a specific
vibration of God, which corresponds to certain qualities. The more
we express these qualities in our lives, the more of God's energy
can be focused therein.
crown chakra, at the top of our head, receives and transmits divine
wisdom and illumination. It is through this chakra that a child receives
the sacrament of baptism.
Our third eye chakra, at the top of our brow,
receives and transmits divine vision, healing and precipitation. It
is through this chakra that we can receive clairvoyance.
Our throat chakra, in the center of our throat
receives and transmits divine power, faith and will. It is through
this chakra that we intone the divine Word in speech, mantras, fiats
and song.
Our heart chakra, in the center of our chest,
receives and transmits divine love, caring and creativity. It is through
this chakra that we give and receive love.
Next to our heart chakra lies the secret chamber
of the heart chakra, where the presence of God abides in us as the
threefold flame of divine love, wisdom and power. Through this chakra
we become one with Alpha and Omega.
Our solar plexus chakra, over our belly, receives
and transmits divine peace and the power of the sun. It is through
this chakra that we are intended to minister to life with a peace
commanding presence.
Our seat of the soul chakra, over our navel,
is where our soul resides until it can rise to the secret chamber
of the heart and ultimately, the third eye. This chakra receives and
transmits the qualities of soul freedom and forgiveness through the
violet flame.
Our base of the spine chakra, over our tail
bone, is where the fount of Mother Light resides, also known as the
kundalini. It is through this chakra that we are intended to receive
and transmit God's purity for the gentle raising of the Mother Light
within us, in preparation for our ascension.
also have five secret ray chakras in our hands, feet, and over our
spleen. These points correspond to where Jesus was pierced on the
cross. Through these five points, saints like Padre Pio and Therese
Neumann have received the stigmata (wounds of Christ). With conscious
devotion and diligent application, great light can emanate from your
five secret ray chakras for the purpose of healing and blessing life.
Christ has no body now on earth but yours, no hands but
yours, no feet but yours.
Yours are the eyes through which his compassion is to look out to
the world.
Yours are the feet with which he is to do good.
And yours are the hands with which he is to bless us now.
—Saint Teresa of Avila