The ascended master Saint Germain has a North American Retreat at Table Mountain in Wyoming called the Cave of Symbols. A cave in the mountain lined with pink and white crystal gives way to a gigantic chamber covered with rainbow colored stalactites that form occult symbols in divine geometry. Many inventions to better mankind’s evolution are created in the laboratories that exist within this retreat. A radio created by the ascended lady master Leonora permits communication with other planets in this solar system. One of the highlights of the retreat is a golden chair known as the atomic accelerator, through which pass electronic currents to quicken the light frequency of a student’s atoms and electrons. The retreat also has a cosmic mirror that reflects the cause and effect of all past lives to students who are taken before it. The action of the sacred fire in a spherical room known as the Sphere of Light prepares students for their ascension.


Call to attend the Cave of Symbols


    In the name of the Christ, My Own Real Self, I call to the Heart of my Mighty I AM Presence, to the Angel of the Presence, to Beloved Archangel Michael, Kuan Yin and the Maha Chohan, to take me to Saint Germain’s Cave of Symbols at Table Mountain in Wyoming, according to the will of my Holy Christ Self and the direction of the Maha Chohan. If it is God's will, I ask for permission to sit on the atomic acceleratr and also to be taken before the cosmic mirror, so that I can understand the causes that set the events of this life in motion and be spiritually accelerated to overcome all difficulties.

     (personal prayer)

     Beloved Saint Germian, help me to remember upon awakening all that will help me to fulfill my mission on earth and the mission of my twin flame. I accept this call manifested through the power of the Christ and am thankful for its realization. In the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit and the Divine Mother, Amen.